Grace and Peace in the name of Jesus Christ, the Hope for the world whose love for us compels us to love others for His namesake!
Our walk of faith in Jehovah is a constant learning process. Balancing acting on faith or stepping out in foolishness has its challenges. Faith in the Lord isn't necessarily waiting for it to all make sense. Sometimes our acts of obedience are often more like calculated risks, rather than steps of faith. Before we step out we often want answers to all of our questions.
What seems natural and normal for us is many times not the path God chooses. 2 Corinthians 5:7 says: “For we live by faith, not by sight.”
In a Desiring God article on hope suffering, Sarah Walton says: “Left to ourselves, we would all choose a path of comfort and prosperity because our hearts are rebellious, and our vision is short-term. If not for his grace, we would pursue only what our flesh desires, even at the cost of eternal life.” Praise God for the work Christ does in us. It's His love poured into us that compels to love others, to push beyond the limits of living for ourselves. Sometimes this is challenging, but while obedience isn't always easy, it is always best. So, our journey overseas to share the gospel with the Northern Thai people begins. Leaving parents, adult children, a grandson, as well as other family and friends is hard. Yet there are eternal implications for us and others if we choose disobedience.
Moving Forward
The Lord has brought so much to fruition over the past few weeks!
Renewal of our children’s passports during Covid
Our visas were approved
Physicals and specific (RT-PCR) Covid tests are scheduled
Quarantine accommodations have been made
Flights are booked
New financial partners
Be in prayer for:
Certificate of Entries currently being reviewed by the Thai government
Provision of a home
Transition to new country, school, etc.
Family that will remain in the States
That we remain Covid free throughout our time here and as enter into quarantine (three mandatory tests – one just before departure, one 3-5 days after arrival, and the last 3-5 days before quarantine ends)
That the Lord will provide friends soon after our arrival in Chiang Rai
Additional monthly financial partners for our ministry
We are thankful to the Lord! May we be found trusting in the Lord with whom anything is possible rather than in ourselves.
That All May Hear,
Wesley, Kimberly,
Luke, Lydia, Micah, and Ezra
