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Wesley Page was born in 1970 in the small town of

Glasgow, Kentucky to Dean and Zell Page, though

his parents divorced when he was young.  His dad

was a cattle farmer and his mom a school teacher

during his growing up years.  Wesley, in turn, had

various farming jobs and began to study natural farming practices after surrendering his life to the Lord at the age of 29.  Wesley is a finish carpenter by trade, but is also a skilled, juried artist with the most reputable art guilds in the State of Kentucky, in the media of wood.  He remained in South Central Kentucky for 41 years until the Lord placed a call to take the Good News of Christ to unreached peoples on his life.


In the fall of 1969, Kimberly Page, was born to Ken and Janet Willoughby in Mt. Sterling Kentucky.  Kimberly and her three younger sisters moved with periodically due to their father’s calling as a Southern Baptist pastor.  Her mom worked in administrative and marketing positions, as well as being an active pastor’s wife.  Despite growing un in a Christian home, Kimberly didn’t come to truly know Jesus as her Savior until she was 29, while on bed rest during her pregnancy with her second child.  Kimberly worked in pharmaceuticals before the Lord called her to the role of home manager – caring for six children, helping Wesley with his carpentry business and art shows.  She’s also an artisan baker with a passion for cooking creative, quality meals.


In 2000, the Lord faithfully placed the Page family at Calvary Baptist in Glasgow Kentucky, where they were discipled and strengthened in their faith.  They were challenged to share their faith with others and host Bible studies in their home in order to disciple others.  In 2009, sensing an irresistible call of the Lord to take the gospel to the ends of the earth, Wesley and Kimberly sought counsel from their pastor and began the journey of preparing to “go,” eventually selling everything they owned to move overseas.


The Harvest Project was founded by Wesley and Kimberly Page when they made the decision to move to rural China with five of their six children in 2011.  The purpose was to be obedient to the Lord’s call and command in Matthew 28:19 & 20 to go make disciples, baptize and teach the nations.  Taking the gospel to unreached.


Their prayer was that the Lord would take their skills along with their inadequacies and use them for the advancement of His kingdom and the glory of His name.  That His fame would become monumental among the unreached of rural China.  Relationship were built.  Seeds were planted of which some bore fruit while others they’re still trusting the Lord for.


In 2014, the Lord opened the door for the Page’s to live in a village in rural China where they used Wesley’s farming and woodworking skills, Kimberly’s baking skills, and their joint business knowledge to open The Harvest:  Farm, Bakery & Artisan Crafts. 


The fall of 2019, while in the States for furlough, the Page’s work in China was compromised by a security leak and learned they couldn’t return to China, however, the Lord’s call to reach the unreached remains the same.  After much prayer, counsel, and research the Lord has led them to the unreached people of Northern Thailand.


With God as our supreme passion, we strive to build relationships so every unreached person has an opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel; so that disciples are made and healthy churches can be planted in hard places.  Seeking, sharing, and serving for the advancement of the Kingdom of God and the glory of His name.


The Harvest Project exists for the purpose of fulfilling the commands of Christ in Matthew 28:19 & 20, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” and Romans 10:14 & 15, “How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard?  And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”


“Going” consists of living abroad among unreached people groups.  Learning language is a key component to thriving while living in another culture and should be focal upon entering the new host country.  Proper language acquisition will also aid in relationship building in order to share the gospel and serve unreached people groups.


Options for relationship building may include, but not be inclusive of:  living among unreached people groups in order to develop relationships and invest in people, Bible studies, discipleship building, planting churches, opening a business (agriculture, artisan bakery, fine woodworking, teaching, etc.). 


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