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Joining God In His Work

Henry Blackaby said, “Watch to see where God is working and join Him in His work.”

Serving as missionaries for over 12 years in two countries, God allowed us to open a bakery in the first country to employ local villagers. Working and living among the people gave us the chance to train them in English, baking, and business operations. But, more importantly, this allowed us the opportunity to share Christ! This has ALWAYS been our goal … to reach the unreached.

With our recent decision to remain Stateside, we knew our cross-cultural work was to continue, so we decided to see where God was working here and join Him.

While serving with Refuge Bowling Green, we were blessed to work with immigrants from numerous countries who are eager to learn our language and work for the "American Dream." During this time, we continued to pray and seek where the Lord might have us more permanently.

Recently, the Lord allowed us to open a bakery in Bowling Green located at 729 Chestnut St. With this bakery, we have the opportunity to hire immigrants. While hiring them, we have the chance to train them, teach them English, and share the love of Christ! Although we are not on foreign soil, foreign soil has come to us. We have already worked with three employees from varying countries - Cuba, Egypt, and El Salvador. We have already had many gospel discussions - especially regarding grace. We are thankful to continue to work with other cultures within our home country.

Would you join us in this effort? Please consider donating to The Harvest Project. We need funding for equipment, supplies, and employment costs. Our goal is to become self-sustaining with this endeavor, but we are not there yet! Please pray about what the Lord would have you give to make His name known among the nations.

We are thankful for your continued prayers and financial support!

That All May Hear,

Wesley, Kimberly,

Luke, Lydia, Micah, and Ezra

**Please note the mailing address change below

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