God’s desire for people groups and nations to experience His salvation is evident from Genesis to Revelation. It’s overwhelmingly clear that He desires to bring the blessings of salvation to every people group on earth when Revelation 7:9 states that there will be representatives from “every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb . . .” As disciples, our priority must be on getting the gospel to unreached people groups with the life-giving message of salvation through Jesus Christ. Our glorious hope is that among those there will be many from whom we proclaimed the gospel to in China, as well as those whom God is now calling us to in Northern Thailand.
We all know how challenging travel is right now – much less international travel. Thailand has strict rules regarding who may enter the country. Of the few categories available, education is one. Recently Kimberly has accepted a part-time teaching position with a small international school in Chiang Rai where we visited on our vision trip last fall. At the time, we never envisioned Kimberly teaching there, but had considered it as an education option for our children since we would both be in language school. This is considered a service position, so rather than salary they offer a substantial discount for our children to attend, as well as the necessary visa for our family to enter the country! This is an answered prayer and a huge open door!
Timeline: What was once moving at a slow pace is now coming quickly! Our tentative departure date is mid-to-late December as the second school session begins January 4.
Financial Partner Needs: We’re currently at 45% of the needed budget. Would you prayerfully consider becoming a financial partner with The Harvest Project? Monthly partnership is crucial, not only to our departure, but to sustain us and our ministry on a daily basis for long-term.
When we think about this ministry that God is allowing us to be a part of, we get overwhelmed with excitement and speechless at the thought of Him giving us a part in the work He's doing in the lives of the people of Northern Thailand.
Thank you for being or considering to be a part of our Team as we embark on this ministry to the people of Northern Thailand for our Lord.
That All May Hear,
Wesley and Kimberly