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God's Heart For The Nations.


If you read through the Bible, you can clearly see God's love for people all around the world. In the Great Commission, God's command to "Go . . . make disciples of all nations . . .” is a global command (Matthew 28:18-19, ESV) though in past times, we've heard that Go means, "as you go." "Jesus gave his disciples an intentional global charge that required their strategic movement from one location to another to make disciples among all peoples. When we reduce this to an “as you go” lifestyle command, we are promoting less than full obedience to perhaps the most climactic imperative in the Bible—one that for centuries has donned the nickname, “the Great Commission.” (Robert Wells V)

According to Joshua Project today, there are 17,446 (7.75 billion individuals) different people groups with their own distinct language and cultural background. Of those 17,446 people groups, there are 7,408 (3.23 billion individuals) groups that are classified as unreached people groups meaning that less than 2 percent of their people group population are evangelical Christians. The whole country of Thailand has about 69 million people with over 7 million living in Northern Thailand. 96.4 out of every 100 Northern Thai people are lost with no personal relationship with or even knowledge of Jesus Christ. Can you imagine encountering people day in and day out at the grocery, schools, work place that have never heard the name of Jesus? This is where you and I come in. God has commissioned us to reach and make disciples from all of these unreached peoples.

Your heart and your prayers are needed. Your financial partnership and future visits to work with us are needed. But for now, we are asking you to join us in seeking the mercy and grace of God to penetrate this darkness with the light and love of Jesus through ordinary people like you and me.

That All May Hear,

Wesley and Kimberly

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